Legal Guide

Douments That Can Help Your Personal Injury Case

As a victim of a personal injury incident, you may experience a whirlwind of emotions. You may feel despair, what you are going through is unfair, you did not ask for it. It may feel as though your life has been turned upside down. 

In such troubling times, its best not to give up. While the situation may be understandably difficult, its not the end of the road. By following a well-laid out strategy, you can forge a path to recovery through treatment and compensation.

But the path to compensation can be a difficult one. Why? 

Personal injury law is complex, from the deadlines to the paperwork to the pesky insurance agents, it’s something that can be stressful. However, with the right documents, it doesn’t have to be. 

Complement those documents with a personal injury attorney, and it may be a smooth sailing affair. With that in mind, here are the five key documents you will need for your personal injury case.

The Incident Report

The incident report is the foundation of your personal injury case. It is an official record of the events that led to your injuries. 

Now that you know what it is, you should fill out the incident report as soon as possible. The details you will include are the incident’s date, time, and location. The report will capture details of the involved parties. It will also capture  the names of witnesses, if any, and the surroundings at the time of the incident. 

Essentially, it's like a map pointing to the circumstances of your injury.

Medical Records

At the heart of any personal injury case is the claim for compensation of injuries sustained due to an accident. 

But how do you prove the extent of the injuries and their impact on your life?

Here is where medical records come into the picture. They may include doctor’s appointment notes, medical receipts, prescriptions, and any other documentation relating to the medication you received due to your injury. 

Medical records are evidence of your medical suffering and can be used in your personal injury case. They paint a picture of how you sought treatment to alleviate the pain and consequences of the injury. 

Insurance Policies 

Personal injury attorney Aurthur L. Schechter of Schechter, Shaffer & Harris, LLP advises, “Insurance can be a lifesaver in personal injury cases. It can cover your medical bills and even a portion of your damages as a victim. As the defendant, insurance can protect you from paying damages as it covers some or all your behalf.”

Working with an attorney is crucial as they will help you understand and use these policies to your advantage. They will also negotiate with insurance agents on your behalf, presenting your best interests.

Witness Statements 

Witness statements are critical because they give a first-hand account of how you suffered the injury from another person's perspective, which can bolster your claim if it corroborates your version of events. 

Collecting witness statements as soon as possible is imperative because memories fade and facts become less distinct with time. 

Your attorney can help you look for witnesses for your case and recruit them through interviews, written declarations, and recorded testimonies.

Videos and Photographs 

If you are familiar with personal injury best practices, one of the first things victims are advised to do is to collect video and photographic evidence of the incident. 


These crucial pieces of evidence present a visual picture of the events at the time of the incident. They can be used to assess property damage, vehicle location, and the degree of injury. 

Visual evidence can help bolster your case as it is concrete proof of the incident and its impact. It is best to take these photos as quickly as possible to preserve authenticity.


So there you have it, a rundown of the five critical documents you should have for any personal injury case. On top of that, you should work with a qualified personal injury attorney. They will help you interpret these documents and use them to your advantage. 

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