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6 Driver Safety Tips: What to Do in Inclement Weather

The transition from warm summer weather into the cool, crisp air of the fall season can mean hurricanes, rain showers, and eventually snow as winter approaches. With extreme changes in the weather, it’s important to keep driver safety in mind. No matter how safe of a driver you may be, predicting the weather or the reactions of other drivers on the road is impossible.

According to Hollywood, Florida car accident lawyer, Ronald Rosen, poor weather is one of the most common causes of car accidents. It’s best to remain cautious on the road—particularly when the weather is bad. Keep these 6 tips in mind for driver safety during inclement weather.

  1. Slow Down

Whether you’re dealing with fog, rain, snow or ice, slowing down at least 5 to 10 miles an hour is crucial. You want to have enough time to stop the vehicle if something goes wrong or if there’s a car stopped ahead that you may not be able to see. If there’s water on the road and you’re going too fast, your car may hydroplane.

  1. Avoid Tailgating

If it’s raining, leave plenty of space between you and the car in front of you. On the highway, you might even leave 100 yards or so in front of your vehicle. You may not know if another car is stopped ahead until it’s too late!

There are often large trucks around if you’re on the highway. Keep your distance as the amount of weight they carry makes it even more difficult for them to stop quickly. According to car accident lawyer in Florence, SC, Ronald Jebaily, deadly truck collisions are increasing rapidly.

  1. Turn on Your Lights

Whether there’s dense fog, heavy rain or snow, it’s so important to leave your lights turned on at all times. Double check before you get in the car that your headlights, brake lights and hazard lights work. Not only do you need to see where you’re going while driving, but other vehicles need to be able to see you as well.

  1. Don’t Drive Through Standing Water

It’s difficult to tell how deep an area of water is—particularly in the rain—so it’s best to just avoid any flooded areas altogether. Not only is it dangerous if the water is too deep, but if water gets sucked into the engine it may shut off entirely.

  1. Be Careful of Black Ice

Black ice is almost impossible to see. It typically forms on bridges first. Be careful of areas that don’t often see the sun, and slow down much sooner than you normally would for red lights or stop signs.

  1. Turn into a Skid

If you do hit ice, gently turn the steering wheel in the direction the car is sliding. This makes it easier for your car to correct itself instead of fishtailing.

A Final Note

If you are involved in a car accident, you need to know what to do. As St. Louis auto accident attorney Benjamin Sansone explains, you need to know the importance of calling the police, getting the license and insurance information of the other drivers as well as contact information of any witnesses, taking photos of the scene and having a medical evaluation performed.

According to Rock Hill car accident lawyer, Bennett Schiller, you could be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, property damage as well as pain and suffering. Do all that you can to stay safe during inclement weather, but if something does happen, take action immediately.

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