Legal Guide

Law Firm Technology Purchases [Infographic]

Law firms are faced with a huge market competition. Every company is basically interested in making investments that would help it to increase its market share. We can say that it is vital for law firms to remember that technology is evolving really fast. This leads towards bankruptcy for the companies that do not invest in technology.

The infographic presented here is focused on technology purchases that were done by 281 law firms with over 50 attorneys hired. It offers various different stats that are of importance if you are in the industry. Most companies invested in laptops and computers in the past year and they do plan to buy specific hardware and software in order to increase business efficiency.

When you look at the infographic, you also learn a lot about where companies get their influence to buy something and you will learn that the majority of the law firms use the services of outside technology consultants. This is normal since the company needs to focus on the law and on the cases that they have, not on the technology that they could invest in.

On the whole, the infographic shows us the perceived importance of technology purchases for law firms. Look at what is written and you will surely learn new things.

ILTA/InsideLegal Technology Purchasing Survey

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