Georgia DUI Laws, Penalties and Fines
Being arrested for a DUI is something everyone must take very seriously. A lot of people laugh of these interactions with the police, especially when they come home after having been arrested. But it is not right to take these things lightly, because you can end up with heavy fines or potential jail time if you do not make a real effort to ensure you are properly represented in court. Whenever you are arrested for a DUI, a certain process is followed, especially in Georgia. Here is a look at the process:
When you are first arrested in Georgia for a DUI, you are processed and released either the same night or the next day. Bail is almost never a factor in these cases, unless you really hurt someone and caused an accident while under the influence. But you could face anywhere from 24 hours to a year in jail, while the fines range from $300 to $1,000. A license suspension of up to one year is also on the cards, while a single DUI conviction can influence your future court experiences too. If you have never been arrested before for a DUI, you should still get a lawyer to help with your DUI case in Atlanta. These attorneys can advise you on how to proceed, and they can also ensure you are given the lowest possible punishment.
If it is your second offense, you could face between three days to a year in jail, while the fine ranges from $600 to $1,000. A license suspension is on the cards for up to three years, which can really hurt people who need their vehicle for work purposes. If you are arrested and charged for a DUI a second time, you are going to struggle to find a judge who will treat you in a lenient manner. You are going to face serious problems. And the third offense is going to get you in even more trouble, while you are almost certain to face a lengthy spell in jail if you are arrested for your FOURTH DUI offense. The minimum jail term for a 4th arrest is one year!
In terms of how long these things influence your future arrests, it is a ten-year period. So if you are arrested, charged and convicted of a DUI in 2016, any arrest and conviction between then and 2026 will be influenced by your first case. That is why it is so important to get an attorney when you are arrested for the first time. Do not think you will get off lightly because it is the first arrest. If the circumstances are against you, the judge can still sentence you to a jail term on the first arrest. So make sure you have an attorney who can represent you in court and ensure this does not happen!
The only way to beat a DUI charge is with the experience and know-how of a skilled attorney. They will know exactly how to handle your case.
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