Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 33)

Non-Molestation Orders as Civil Remedies For Domestic Abuse

Being subjected to domestic abuse causes significant emotional distress. Many forms of abuse can occur in a relationship aside from physical violence-- things such as emotional and psychological abuse, coercive controlling behaviour, gaslighting, and manipulation are just as intense and upsetting. Nobody should ever have to endure something that makes them trapped with no way out. If you find... ❯❯❯

What Is DUI?

DUI, driving under the influence, is a criminal offense. Laws prohibit anyone from operating their motor vehicle if they are under the influence of alcohol, impairing their driving abilities. Under the influence typically means having a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher. If your BAC is less than 0.08%, but at least 0.05%, other factors combined with your level of intoxication... ❯❯❯

Driving Under the Influence

Drugs and alcohol can seriously impair a person’s ability to drive safely. If you end up causing an accident or get arrested by a police officer, you could face serious consequences. A DUI offense could result in jail time, fines, and a suspended driver’s license. A conviction could ruin a person’s life and affect their job, family, and future. The time after an arrest can be a scary and... ❯❯❯

What You Should Do Following A Hit-and-Run Accident

You might feel disoriented and in shock after suffering injuries in a car crash. Auto accidents involving a driver that fled the scene can be devastating. Someone crashed into your vehicle and drove away without any regard for your safety or life. Knowing how to handle a stressful ordeal like this is crucial. You need to take steps to protect your rights and secure compensation for your medical... ❯❯❯

Rear-End Car Accidents: The Dangers of Tailgating

Severe injuries and fatalities are common when one driver gets rear-ended by another. Tailgating is usually why this type of accident occurs. When someone follows another person’s vehicle too closely, there’s much less distance available to come to a complete stop when necessary. Instead of avoiding a collision, they crash into the back of the vehicle they’re following, resulting in property... ❯❯❯

Texting While Driving: A Dangerous Distraction

Distracted driving is any action that redirects your attention from the task of driving to something else. It’s reckless behavior that can cause severe injuries and fatalities during a collision between two vehicles. According to statistics gathered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 3,142 people died in distracted driving accidents in 2019. There are three main types of... ❯❯❯

Contact Neumeister & Associates, Forensic Accounting Firm In Los Angeles

Contact Neumeister & Associates, Forensic Accounting Firm In Los AngelesForensic accounting involves investigating business embezzlement or possible instances of fraud in a company in Los Angeles or for any other major city for that matter. The legal proceedings and financial information are dissected, and the investigators will see where the business went wrong. Some of the standard applications of this fiend of accounting involve a restructuring of an entire... ❯❯❯

Is It Legal to Use a VPN?

Is It Legal to Use a VPN?The Internet and the World Wide Web have changed the way we live, allowing us to shop, communicate and be entertained with unprecedented ease. However, it has also exposed us and our computers to a variety of security threats. To protect their computers and the information stored on them, many Internet users have begun using strategies that allow them to surf the Internet without being too... ❯❯❯

How To Know If You Need A Medical Malpractice Lawyer

How To Know If You Need A Medical Malpractice LawyerTypically, going to the hospital and seeing a doctor can go a long way in keeping yourself healthy. When you don’t feel well, you seek the assistance of a medical professional hoping that you’ll feel better after providing you with treatment. However, there are instances when your doctor may fail to provide the standard of care expected of them as a medical practitioner. And when such failure has... ❯❯❯

Hiring a Lawyer vs. a Paralegal for Your Small Business: Which Should You Choose?

Hiring a Lawyer vs. a Paralegal for Your Small Business: Which Should You Choose?When you run a small business and you need legal services for things like the process of forming a business structure and getting legal advice, you will be wondering whether it is better to hire the services of a lawyer or a paralegal. Many people think paralegals can be less expensive, but that is not always true. More importantly, paralegals cannot offer the same range of services that... ❯❯❯

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