Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 7)

What Factors Affect Compensation Claims in Personal Injury Cases?

Knowing you suffer injuries because someone was negligent is difficult; it can turn one’s life upside down. Thankfully, personal injury law allows victims in personal injury cases to file a compensation claim against someone who harmed them. That is why you must work with an attorney to ensure you get the fairest compensation for damages. However, the compensation amount you eventually receive... ❯❯❯

How Many People Die From Car Accidents Each Year?

The global car accident toll on human life stands at approximately 1.3 million each year. In the United States, this number has almost always surpassed the 30,000 mark since 1975.  There has been a notable reduction in deaths in the last decade, but America registered an uptick during and after the pandemic, with 42,000 people losing their lives in 2021. Luckily, 2022 figures look slightly more... ❯❯❯

Homicide, a Leading Cause of Death for US Children, Is On the Rise

A new study found homicide as a major factor in children's death in the United States. The overall rate has increased by an average of 4.3 percent each year for nearly a decade. The JAMA Pediatrics study found that more black boys were killed than any other group. Firearms were the most common weapon in children's deaths. Rising Homicide Rates The researchers discovered 38,362 child homicide... ❯❯❯

Car Crash Deaths Rose in States Where Marijuana Became Legal

Like other drugs and alcohol, marijuana alters the brain's function when its blood concentration is high. This means it changes how a person behaves and can contribute to road accidents, especially when combined with alcohol.    Even with such effects, 19 states and the District of Columbia have already passed legislation legalizing the use of recreational marijuana.  Increased Traffic Crashes... ❯❯❯

Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) And DUIs - All You Need to Know

Driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs is illegal in the US. Most states have a maximum Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) limit, and motorists who exceed this limit may receive harsh penalties.  For most states except Utah, the legal limit is 0.08 percent BAC. Utah has its limit at 0.05 percent. While these laws may vary, generally, they are similar across all states. That said, below... ❯❯❯

Updated Child Seat Safety Standards

Child seats are designed to enhance the safety of infants while traveling on the road. These seats were created to address the problem of children riding in cars on their parent's or siblings' laps, as conventional safety standards like seat belts are not applicable to them due to their age and size. Different companies have developed various child seat designs to address this safety gap, but the... ❯❯❯

How Long Does a Felony Stay on Record?

According to statistics, between 70 and 100 million Americans have a criminal record. This translates to around one in three Americans.  Having a criminal record can work against you in several ways. Your criminal record will show in a background check, meaning it could ruin your chances of getting a job or renting housing. The higher the severity of the crime, the higher the impact it will have... ❯❯❯

Unveiling the Essence of Negligence: Your Guided Tour Through the Personal Injury Landscape

Picture a pivotal hinge on a sturdy door; without it, the door simply won't swing. That's the role negligence plays in personal injury cases. It's the crux, the linchpin, that either makes or breaks these cases. However, keep in mind that negligence is more than just an academic concept; it's a critical element that must be convincingly showcased in court. In this enlightening exploration, we... ❯❯❯

Life's Unexpected Moments: Understanding the Worth of Your Personal Injury Claim

A single car crash, a dog bite, a slip at the grocery store, or a medical error can drastically alter the course of your life. However, there's a silver lining. The legal system offers solace to victims who endure injuries due to someone else's negligence. This consolation comes in the form of personal injury compensation. Yet, a perplexing question often arises for many victims: How do you... ❯❯❯

These Five Mistakes Can Prevent a Full Personal Injury Recovery!

Millions of people visit the emergency room yearly due to personal injury accidents. Although these injuries may not necessarily have been caused by car accidents, something other than car accidents could have happened. These include medical malpractice, accidental burns, slips and falls, drowning, dog bites, defective products, etc. If you were a victim in any of these accidents, you may be... ❯❯❯

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