Legal Guide

Lessen the Odds of Cyber Theft

With many consumers still struggling in today’s economy, it should not come as a huge surprise that these same people (and just about everyone for that matter) doesn’t want to have to deal with identity theft.

As the news and data show, however, identity theft is a real problem for many Americans.

Even those consumers going out of their way to protect themselves, yes, they sometimes fall prey to this problem too.

While it may seem like there is no entirely foolproof way to avoid identity theft, there are measures consumers can take to limit the odds of becoming the next victims.

From finding the right I.D. theft protection service provider to making sure you do everything possible to negate the chances of becoming the next victim, you can fight back.

Where Are You Most Vulnerable?

Yes, identity theft can come in a number of shapes and sizes.

Here are a few areas where you should be most focused on in order to try and avoid being yet another identity theft casualty:

  1. Protect your assets – While there are numerous identity theft protection services out there, be sure you sign-up with the one best meeting your needs. View these brands on their websites, looking to differentiate one from the other. You can not only see what they offer from their web presence, but also chat with their customer reps. More businesses in today’s tech-driven world are offering “chat” options when you first go on their sites. By chatting online with a customer service rep, you can be guided to exactly what you are looking for, avoiding wasting time. Also be sure to investigate if there is a money-back guarantee in the event you are not happy with the product or service. Don’t be rushed into making a purchase. Instead, take your time to compare products and services, buying what is right for you;
  2. Don’t leave your doors unlocked – Even though the message here is not your physical doors (at home), you can’t leave your personal doors (wallets, purses, credit cards, computer transactions etc.) open to identity theft thieves. Stop for a moment and think about how you lead your life each and every day of the year. Do you ever carelessly leave a credit card receipt or other personal financial statement sitting around for others to view? Have you pulled up your online banking information while on your laptop in a public library or Internet café, only to walk away from the screen for even just a minute? If so, it just takes that short period of time for someone to capture your banking account number etc. When getting financial information via the mail, do you properly dispose of it (shredder) if you choose not to keep it for your records? These are but some of the simple tasks, tasks that too many consumers unfortunately fail to properly execute. As a result, they open themselves up to potential financial loss, a loss that can take weeks, months, even years to fully recover from;
  3. Learn from others – Whether it was well-known or smaller business, perhaps even family or friends of yours, you probably know of those who have been impacted by identity theft. While you likely feel bad for them, take note of their experiences, doing your best to follow them down that same road. See where they might have made a gaffe or two in protecting their identity. It might have been being to open on the Internet. They might have been a little too carefree with their credit cards, debit cards, bank info etc. when out in public. No matter what the mistake or mistakes proved to be, there is always a lesson to be learned in such situations. The key for you is learning that lesson, thereby decreasing the odds that you will fall victim too.

If your finances have been taxing you as it is, the last thing you want or need is to be an identity theft victim.

With a little protection and commonsense, you decrease the odds of having yourself be the next target and/or victim on an I.D. thief’s watch.

Be pragmatic and protect yourself today.

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