What Is a Compulsory Purchase Order? For those of you who aren’t aware, a compulsory purchase order (CPO) is a legal process that allows certain public bodies to force homeowners to sell their property if the property is on land required for a regeneration project, or it is deemed to be in the “greater public good”. This often includes projects like the construction of new roads, stadiums or... ❯❯❯
It is really important to know exactly what the next step is in a personal injury case. Victims have to deal with so many things ranging from the personal injury claim to dealing with medical expenses. A failure to properly assess the situation will always lead to having to deal with some expenses that could have easily been avoided or covered through a proper settlement amount. Unfortunately, in... ❯❯❯
The H1-B visa is designed to allow U.S. companies to employ graduate-level workers (or those who can demonstrate an educational equivalent) in speciality occupations, such as science, medicine, IT, finance, engineering, etc. Before looking at some recent changes to the H1-B visa that have already taken place — and some significant shifts that may be on the horizon — here are some additional basic... ❯❯❯
If you’ve been arrested by the Calgary police, the first step to defend yourself is to ask for a lawyer. The criminal defence lawyers in Calgary can protect your rights and deal with the Crown prosecutors so that you’re accorded all your rights during the resolution process of your case. Your lawyer can negotiate a plea deal, or you can go ahead with a trial to determine your guilt or lack... ❯❯❯
Alberta has recently updated its drunk-driving rules, responding to a stream of road-traffic incidents in recent years and resulting in a notably increased severity of the consequences facing those charged with driving under the influence. As familiarizing ourselves with the laws that govern our lives is one the most important steps of avoiding a criminal charge, it is well worth scrutinizing... ❯❯❯
Construction is a dangerous business for those who work in it and it’s true not just in Texas but everywhere else as well. Thousands of construction workers get injured in the United States every year and some of them even die in extreme cases. However, the laws regulating claims to personal injury and negligence of safety measures do differ from state to state. Therefore, it is imperative that... ❯❯❯
Taking on a new job is often a stressful and exciting time, and situations vary massively. Maybe you have been plugging away, building up your CV to meet industry standards so that you can make that big move to a dream job? Maybe you have become disenchanted with your company or industry and have been dreaming of a career change? Maybe you need to move home, or want to emigrate, or feel your true... ❯❯❯
Construction sites can be very dangerous places and as a result, construction workers face considerable risk of injury in their average work day. Not surprisingly, construction sites are highly regulated and must conform to stringent safety codes to protect workers, but accidents happen even still. At times, these accidents are simply the result of bad luck – but at other times, they are caused... ❯❯❯
Involvement in a motor vehicle accident can be devastating – in addition to the immediate impact of an injury, there is the possibility of lost wages, ongoing medical treatment, permanent disability or disfigurement, psychiatric distress and more. If you have been injured in a road accident in Victoria, you are entitled to compensation from the Transport Accident Commission (TAC). The TAC is a... ❯❯❯
Image Credit: Pixabay Divorce tends to be a sensitive situation. Obviously, the two parties did not plan to be in this situation. One or both parties changed, circumstances changed -whatever the case may be, two people who planned to be together forever will now be separating their lives. Tension and stress, pain and anger tend to be meshed when these circumstances are involved. Below are four... ❯❯❯