Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 66)

Top 4 Ways to Negotiate a Divorce Settlement

Top 4 Ways to Negotiate a Divorce SettlementImage Credit: Pixabay Divorce tends to be a sensitive situation. Obviously, the two parties did not plan to be in this situation. One or both parties changed, circumstances changed -whatever the case may be, two people who planned to be together forever will now be separating their lives. Tension and stress, pain and anger tend to be meshed when these circumstances are involved. Below are four... ❯❯❯

How to Prove You Are Disabled and Win Disability Benefits

How to Prove You Are Disabled and Win Disability BenefitsImage Credit: Pixabay We always hear stories in the news about those who abuse the disability system. But the truth of the matter is that cases of abuse or fraud are very rare, because the system makes it extremely challenging for individuals to prove they qualify for something such as SSD benefits. The Social Security Disability program does pay out, but only if you can prove you are someone... ❯❯❯

3 Situations When You Will Need an Insurance Attorney by Your Side

Taking out an insurance policy is all about getting more peace of mind. You might want to insure your home, property, vehicle, or health by taking out insurance that protects those assets against a possible accident.  In essence, insurance revolves around transferring the risk of a possible loss from yourself and your family to the insurance company. You pay your monthly premiums to an insurance... ❯❯❯

5 Famous Investment Scams in Recent US History

5 Famous Investment Scams in Recent US HistoryImage Credit: Pixabay There have been so many investment fraud cases over the past few years that it can become hard to keep count. But for those who may be a potential victim in such a case, it is really important to take quick action. Speak with a LA Investment Fraud Attorney as soon as possible. And there are certain cases where the fraud simply reaches such a large scale where the matter... ❯❯❯

Business Law 101: What A Business Lawyer Does

The business world of today is vast and complicated. It is said that today every business cannot exist without these two assets: an accountant and a business lawyer. There are many legal policies that every business must follow, so protect their themselves. This is why a business lawyer is so vital to the viability of the business. They specialize in knowing which policies and laws affect the... ❯❯❯

What Makes A Really Great Bankruptcy Attorney?

It does not matter if you want to file a chapter 7 or a chapter 13 bankruptcy. Whenever involved in the process you want to hire a really good bankruptcy attorney that can help you out. The problem is that it is normally hard to choose such a specialist because of the lack of knowledge about the associated law from most people around the world. Since nobody wants to end up in bankruptcy, people... ❯❯❯

Workers Compensation Lawyers Vs Personal Injury Lawyers: Law 101

An injury on the in the workplace can come with additional challenges above and beyond the injury itself. The next steps after treatment and recover includes, dealing with cost, and establishing responsibility. Hiring an appropriate lawyer to assist us is also an important decision in order to deal with these issues. Which lawyer is appropriate for which situation will be discussed below. ... ❯❯❯

7 Major Challenges Small Start Ups Face—And What to Do About It Now

You've launched your start up. Your "paper napkin" dream is about to be realized. There are particular challenges start ups face. But how you respond to them will determine how successfully your business will roll.  Here are 7 major challenges that you should be aware of. Charging Too Little  A pitfall for new businesses is trying to beat the competition by offering lower or the lowest... ❯❯❯

Injury Claims that You are Entitled to in Ireland

Injury Claims that You are Entitled to in IrelandAlthough it is never desirable to be in a situation where you would have to think about injury claims, the truth is that accidents can happen at any place and at any time. It could be in your office, whilst commuting, at a construction site or even in your home. While it is not always possible to recover fully from the unfortunate event, more often than not, you are entitled to monetary compensati... ❯❯❯

The Importance Of Updating Your Will For Business Owners

Running a business is one of the biggest challenges you can face. Prioritising your time and ensuring that all essential business tasks are covered while also ensuring your business moves forward with the times is a daunting task. Unfortunately for many small business owners, the issue of succession planning isn’t prioritised as often as it should be. Perhaps this is because not many people like... ❯❯❯

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